javaserver - wrapper to start the JavaServer backend


javaserver [--debug-wrapper] [--umask=umask] [--classpath-from=directory-or-file] [--java-opts-from=directory-or-file] [--authfile=authfile] [port] [--help]


javaserver starts the JavaServer backend. It will listen for requests from a frontend. For example, the frontend links Perl and Java classes so they can call each another.


Show step-by-step how CLASSPATH and JAVA_OPTS are constructed. Also shows the umask and the final command which gets executed.

Set the umask before starting the JavaServer backend.

By default, the environment variable CLASSPATH is inherited from its current setting and any jar files needed by JavaServer are added to the beginning of the inherited value. By setting the --classpath-from option, additional CLASSPATHs are read from a file or from a group of files in a directory, where one CLASSPATH is defined per line in each file. These CLASSPATHS will be added to the end of the inherited value. This option may be repeated to read multiple directories and/or files.

By default, the environment variable JAVA_OPTS is inherited from its current setting and these options are passed to Java. By setting the --java-opts-from option, additional options are read from a file or from a group of files in a directory. The options will be added to the end of the inherited value. You can define options on separate lines for readability if you wish--they will automatically be concatenated and separated with spaces. The --java-opts-from option may be repeated to read multiple directories and/or files.

Specify the authfile. The first line of this file is used as a shared secret between the backend and the frontend.

By default, the JavaServer backend runs on port 2000. You can specify a different port with this option.

Show a very short help message.


All on one line:

JAVA_OPTS=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/javaserver/log4j.conf javaserver --classpath-from=/etc/javaserver/classpath.d --java-opts-from=/etc/javaserver/java-opts.d --authfile=/etc/javaserver/authfile 8000 &


The value of an existing CLASSPATH environment variable is inherited and placed after any CLASSPATHs required by the JavaServer. Futhermore, any additional CLASSPATHs defined by the --classpath-from option will be placed after the existing CLASSPATH. That is, the CLASSPATH will be constructed in this order:
  CLASSPATHs required by JavaServer
  existing CLASSPATH
  CLASSPATHs read from files defined by --classpath-from

The options in this environment variable are passed to java. Specifically, JavaServer will be invoked with the following line:
  java $JAVA_OPTS com.zzo.javaserver.JavaServer I<command line options>

Futhermore, any additional Java options defined by the --java-opts-from option will be placed after the existing JAVA_OPTS.


javaserver program: Mark Ethan Trostler <>

wrapper and manual page: Ken Neighbors <>