Developing solutions to take advantage of the internet's open standards, platform independence, and global accessibility.
Areas of Expertise
- online banking
- user authentication
- web application development
- interfacing legacy systems with the web
- security and cryptography
Services Offered
- consulting in areas of expertise
- consulting on tools of expertise
- development using tools of expertise
- free software
Contact Information
- Ken Neighbors, Ph.D.
GPG key
1080 Polk Ln
San Jose, CA 95117-2943
Tools of Expertise
- Advanced Perl programming
- Apache mod_perl and CGI (web site programming)
- DBI (access to databases)
- LWP (access to internet resources)
- Regular Expressions (text processing, "screen scraping")
- Object-Oriented (Classes, Modules, References, etc.)
- Plain Old Documentation (POD)
- CPAN (library of useful perl modules)
- Apache web server
- installation (including mod_perl and mod_ssl)
- configuration (including proxy, virtual host, rewrite, SSL certificates)
- usage reports using AWStats
- Debian GNU / Linux operating system
- OpenSSL (certificate generation, encryption, secure communications)
- OpenSSH (secure "telnet" and "ftp" services)
- Other open-source and free software
- Also experienced with: HTML, JavaScript, Java, C, PostgreSQL, MySQL